Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rabid about Rabbits

First pet I had growing up was a rabbit. He was brought home as a dinner, but his destiny changed for the better, when my siblings and I locked eyes on him and quickly named him George. George was a great pet rabbit, but not long for this earth. We don't know what happened to poor George and when I've gone all Spanish Inquisition on my mother for details...she quickly changes the subject...hmmm.
Perhaps ignorance is bliss in this particular situation.

Anyway, here's a couple of favourite bunny moments, sorry not the playboy'll have to get that elsewhere,... are from" Monty Python & The Holy Grail"

Also, it is the holiday about a Christmas classic ..I never get tired of
"A Christmas Story" this version, however, has been given the bunny treatment.

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