Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Arrested Development Movie In Development?

Why was "Arrested Development" cancelled? That's the million dollar question.
Tobias aka David Cross explains it all in a nutshell. They used up all the beeps...so the "F"' bombs are flying everywhere...fyi. If you're ok with that then click below.


Rumours are still flying around on whether "Arrested Development" will be made into a movie.
The TV show was great. I only hope if they make the movie, they keep it true to the tv show's spirit and humour.
Here's some more info http://ccinsider.comedycentral.com/cc_insider/2008/12/arrested-development-movie-signs-on-will-arnett.html

And Will Arnett's suggestion (wink) on what we as fans can do to get this movie done.


Also, a series I banged off over the holidays, which can be seen on HBO Canada is "Summer Heights High". It's not a show that's very PC, but neither was "All In The Family" having said that..it is funny. It's an Australian mockumentary and only 1 season was made.
One guy plays 3 characters and one of them is Mr. G, teacher and the fill in head of drama at the highschool. He reminds me of Corky from "Waiting For Guffman". Sense of humour is subjective, what's funny to some is not to others. So, maybe you to share my twisted sense of humour.

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