Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Eve Twenty O Eight

We're bracing for a blizzard tonight to end 2008 and will be digging out on the first day of 2009.

Also, you'll have to add another second on the countdown to midnight. It actually be at 12:00.01 when 2009 finally arrives. That's because of a leap second being added to the clocks.

Alot of people will be hunkering down with this impending storm and spending it with Dick Clark on the tube. Dick is 79 and will be doing the annual show appearing in limited role.
You can also spend QYears Eve with The Mighty Q the annual tradition continues. JC Douglas will be taking your requests at 451-1043 and doing the countdown to midnight....also letting you know of power outtages, storm cancellations that inevitably happens during a storm. Lock it in ... we're there for ya baby.
I don't normally make New Years resolutions, but feel compelled to do so this year. My one and only New Years resolution will be to not start sending fan mail to Ringo Starr. One of the weirdest celeb rants from 2008 was this from Ringo...that he felt the need to do this is funny.
Peace And Love
Happy New Year!

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