Monday, December 29, 2008

John Lennon Has Nothing But XO's For Kids

John Lennon is appearing in a charity public service announcement
Thanks to digital technology, John is urging Americans to support the “One Laptop Per Child” campaign to deliver solar powered
XO laptop computers to children in some of the poorest parts of the Globe.
“Imagine every child no matter where in the world they were could access a universe of knowledge. They would have a chance to learn, to dream, to achieve anything they want,” a voice and video image
of Lennon has been created to say,” Lennon says in the ad.
“I tried to do it through my music, but now you can do it in a very different way. You can give a child a laptop and more than imagine, you can change the world.” (Credit to Popculture site)

Yoko gave her permission for this. Listening to it, it doesn't sound like John, but a weird facsimile. Must be the digital thing...because John and all of us wouldn't have had the word laptop in our vocab back in the day.
Check it out.

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