Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Eve Twenty O Eight

We're bracing for a blizzard tonight to end 2008 and will be digging out on the first day of 2009.

Also, you'll have to add another second on the countdown to midnight. It actually be at 12:00.01 when 2009 finally arrives. That's because of a leap second being added to the clocks.

Alot of people will be hunkering down with this impending storm and spending it with Dick Clark on the tube. Dick is 79 and will be doing the annual show appearing in limited role.
You can also spend QYears Eve with The Mighty Q the annual tradition continues. JC Douglas will be taking your requests at 451-1043 and doing the countdown to midnight....also letting you know of power outtages, storm cancellations that inevitably happens during a storm. Lock it in ... we're there for ya baby.
I don't normally make New Years resolutions, but feel compelled to do so this year. My one and only New Years resolution will be to not start sending fan mail to Ringo Starr. One of the weirdest celeb rants from 2008 was this from Ringo...that he felt the need to do this is funny.
Peace And Love
Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Arrested Development Movie In Development?

Why was "Arrested Development" cancelled? That's the million dollar question.
Tobias aka David Cross explains it all in a nutshell. They used up all the the "F"' bombs are flying If you're ok with that then click below.

Rumours are still flying around on whether "Arrested Development" will be made into a movie.
The TV show was great. I only hope if they make the movie, they keep it true to the tv show's spirit and humour.
Here's some more info

And Will Arnett's suggestion (wink) on what we as fans can do to get this movie done.

Also, a series I banged off over the holidays, which can be seen on HBO Canada is "Summer Heights High". It's not a show that's very PC, but neither was "All In The Family" having said is funny. It's an Australian mockumentary and only 1 season was made.
One guy plays 3 characters and one of them is Mr. G, teacher and the fill in head of drama at the highschool. He reminds me of Corky from "Waiting For Guffman". Sense of humour is subjective, what's funny to some is not to others. So, maybe you to share my twisted sense of humour.

Monday, December 29, 2008

John Lennon Has Nothing But XO's For Kids

John Lennon is appearing in a charity public service announcement
Thanks to digital technology, John is urging Americans to support the “One Laptop Per Child” campaign to deliver solar powered
XO laptop computers to children in some of the poorest parts of the Globe.
“Imagine every child no matter where in the world they were could access a universe of knowledge. They would have a chance to learn, to dream, to achieve anything they want,” a voice and video image
of Lennon has been created to say,” Lennon says in the ad.
“I tried to do it through my music, but now you can do it in a very different way. You can give a child a laptop and more than imagine, you can change the world.” (Credit to Popculture site)

Yoko gave her permission for this. Listening to it, it doesn't sound like John, but a weird facsimile. Must be the digital thing...because John and all of us wouldn't have had the word laptop in our vocab back in the day.
Check it out.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ricky Gervais Meets....Christopher Guest & Larry David

This is brilliant and funny. Ricky Gervais from the creator of "The Office" and "Extras" meets Christopher Guest. Some of my all time favourite movies are "Spinal Tap", "Waiting For Guffman", and "Best In Show"..also liked "A Mighty Wind". Christopher Guest is responsible for all those films. He never does interviews and so this is why it's such a treat. I love the way Ricky is like a little school girl in the presence of Christopher. Ricky is such a fan and you can see he's having a ball hangin' and talking to Christopher who is so funny. Also, some great nuggets of inside stuff that happened on "Spinal Tap" and some of his other flicks.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Also, if you're a fan of "Curb Your Enthusiasm", Ricky Gervais interviews Larry David...another intensely private guy who rarely does interviews. Great to have this to watch as we hold vigil til the new season of "Curb" starts. (Warning language maybe colourful, for others it's a way of life.)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Friday, December 26, 2008

Boxing Day Potpourri

It's Boxing Day and that means crazy, mad shopping in other parts of the country. Not here in Nova Scotia, stores are closed today. I'm ok with that. Just how much stuff do you need? Which reminds me of George Carlin"s classic comedy bit .
My friend Adam and I talk about pulling an "Into The Wild" move ...getting rid of stuff and living off the grid...well maybe not to that extreme. By the way, that's a great movie if you haven't seen it. Based on a true story. It's a good one to rent on a day like today and Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam does the entire soundtrack, including a great cover of a Canadian band from the 90's called Indio with "Hard Sun". Here's Indio's version.
Eddie stays pretty true to the original version don't ya think?

Another alternative on what to do today is to listen to the Q104 20th Anniversary on til Midnight tonight. All kinds of great memories here. You can listen online at

Another thing to do today is to watch The World Junior Hockey Championship, which starts today. Canada is trying for a 5th consecutive Gold Medal. In 2003 Halifax was the host city. It was an exciting time. The city came alive in the dead of winter. And since were in full on hockey mode for the next several days, here's an NFB film short called "The Sweater". About a kid who loves The Montreal Canadians and the results of when his mom orders a Canadians sweater from Eatons. Won't tell you more, just watch here. The sound quality ain't that great so crank it up. Even if you're not a Canadians fan, imagine if you're the kid and think about the team you loved growing up and the warm and fuzzies will take over.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Beatles Christmas

The Beatles were way ahead of their time, not only in their music and style, but also in how they treated their fans.
They used to send out a Christmas message on vinyl every year for their fan clubs members only and it was free. Here's a neat website that compiles their Christmas records. Have a listen.

You can't help but be charmed by their young, youthful and goofy exuberance. When was the last time a current artist did something like this, without us fans being charged money to be a part of a fanclub on a website inorder to get a password for a presale code to buy tickets to one of their shows? Just a thought.

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ziggy"s Gift

"Ziggy's Gift" was originally on tv in 1983. I've always loved this Christmas special. Just the theme song alone sung by Harry Nilsson is heartwarming. The true meaning of Christmas lies within the Ziggster and his dog Fuzz. I tried for years to buy a copy..but it was hard to find. Thanks to Youtube we can all watch it and enjoy.

Merry, Happy Holidays!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rudolph The F#*@&*G Red Nosed Reindeer

Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer meets Good Fellows, Taxi Driver..and other classic Martin Scorsese movies. My recollection of this as a kid is waaay different then this version. Warning gruesome violent puppet scenes...there is no going back after you click on this...and I am not responsible for any night terrors you may have after watching this :)

Sweet Fancy Moses..Hallelujah Is #1,#2 & #36

This is wild. Leonard Cohen's back on the British Music charts with a neat accomplishment.
His song Hallelujah has hit #1, #2 and #36 on the British Music Charts.
Read about it here

Saw Leonard Cohen at The Rebecca Cohn last May. He had 5 or 6 sold out shows at The Cohn and I was there for the final night. I had goose bumps listening to him sing. He was that great and left us wanting more. Hard to believe he's 74 and still able to pour his heart and soul into a concert with stories and funny anticdotes in between songs that we all know and love. His song is at #36 on the British Music Charts. It's a lovely song for those reflective moments in life.

Jeff Buckley is at #2 posthumously with his version of the song.

And this is the #1 song from Alexandra Burke ...who?... The winner of X Factor in The UK

I'm partial to the Jeff Buckley version, but these artists also do a great job covering this classic.

Damien Rice

Sheryl Crowe

KD Lang


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Guitar Hero

Well.... maybe Guitar Hero featuring Metallica's music is more your style. It's coming out in '09. Here's a sneak peak from Metallica's website. Rock!

And here's a classic Atari game from Journey way before Guitar Hero became the game de jour.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What A Rush

As you drive to and from work during rush hour, think about how cool this would be to bypass all traffic ...and get a workout in as well that's the positive..the negative... a permanent wedgie and possiblity of coming down with a bad case of swimmer's itch...wah wah wah waaaaah.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rabid about Rabbits

First pet I had growing up was a rabbit. He was brought home as a dinner, but his destiny changed for the better, when my siblings and I locked eyes on him and quickly named him George. George was a great pet rabbit, but not long for this earth. We don't know what happened to poor George and when I've gone all Spanish Inquisition on my mother for details...she quickly changes the subject...hmmm.
Perhaps ignorance is bliss in this particular situation.

Anyway, here's a couple of favourite bunny moments, sorry not the playboy'll have to get that elsewhere,... are from" Monty Python & The Holy Grail"

Also, it is the holiday about a Christmas classic ..I never get tired of
"A Christmas Story" this version, however, has been given the bunny treatment.

Game Show Weirdness

A weird moment on "Wheel Of Fortune". Someone pronounces the word wrong.....(singing) Awkwaaard.

Then there's this from "Price Is Right" a contestant was bang on in his guess for the final showcase. The last time this happened was 36 years ago.

Monday, December 15, 2008

U2 Centerfold

This is very cool. U2 centerfold in a UK newspaper called "The Guardian" of U2 at Olympic Studios working on their new cd called "No Line On The Horizon" being released on Tuesday March 3rd. Produced by Steve Lillywhite, Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois, who was here in Halifax a couple of months ago, played at The Marquee. At the preshow Q & A Daniel said it's U2's best yet...they all say that don't they? Regardless, I'm looking forward to some new U2.

Here's a classic from Live Aid. I was working at a radio station in Belleville, Ontario. When I got off the air,I hopped on my bike, raced back to the place I was staying at to watch this performance of U2's "Bad". It was so gooood. It wasn't until their ZOO TV tour in 1992 in Toronto at The CNE that I got to experience U2 Live. Some of The Tragically Hip guys were a few rows in front of me. We talked for a bit about our great seats and the concert that was about to take place. That show is in my Top 10 list of one of my favourite concerts ever.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Full Moon Fever

There's full moon tonight. if you're able to see it, will be extremely bright and seem really close. Here's a link with the details A few Christmases ago my sister and brother -in-law came to stay with me for the holidays. My sister brought her telescope and we were able to see the rings of Saturn, Jupiter and the moon in it's full glory. I also have loved watching meteor showers at Lawrencetown Beach with nothing but a flash light, a thermos of hot chocolate and a good friend. Lawrencetown Beach is a great spot for looking up at the stars and not having to worry about city lights...not to mention breathing in that ocean air and having the ocean waves crashing at your feet is pretty cool to.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

John Lennon I Met The Walrus

John Lennon died 28 years ago yesterday. Here in the maritimes, because of the time difference it was an hour later and fell on Dec. 9th.

I love watching "Imagine" and seeing the heartwarming scenes with John as a stay at home dad to his son Sean. I watched it again for the umpteenth time this past weekend. Another fascinating film documentary is "The U.S VS John Lennon" which came out 2 years ago.

Here's a neat clip of a 39 year old interview of John Lennon with added animation . It's an artful and interesting way of keeping John's memory alive.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Never Too Old To Rock!

Rock Stars don't get old. Really, it's just a state of mind.

Ozzy Osbourne's commercial. Bonus points, if you can make out what he's saying.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Not So Secret Santa.

T'is the season for Office Christmas parties. Ours is tonight. Thankfully, we've done away with
"The Secret Santa" gift giving ritual in our workplace. You may relate to this scene from "The Office".

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Q104 25 Years Of Rock!

Q104's 25th Anniversary was on Friday and we celebrated all weekend starting with Q104's Quarter Century Concert & Clambake. Unfortunately, Myles Goodwin had collapsed in Montreal just before he was to come to Halifax. So April Wine pulled out. Joel Plaskett Emergency stepped in and did an awesome job as always. It's too bad Myles wasn't here for the big pissup. A suprise had been planned for Myles. Jim, David and Ritchie Henman were going to be onstage together with Myles and the rest of April Wine for the first time since 1971, how amazing would that have been. It didn't happen. The Henman Brothers accepted their award on behalf of April Wine from The Mighty Q and were inducted into the first ever East Coast Rock Wall Of Fame. A heartfelt moment. The whole weekend was amazing. Seeing lots of friends on and off the air. One of the many special moments for me was having the first ever Q Jocks Brother Jake, Hal Harbour, Billy Bob, Bob Powers, Doug Caldwell, and Jeff Woods see what they had started. For the rest of us keeping that spirit of what they intended going is what keeps us the current Q Alum going....and also having the best loyal listeners ever. Thanks for being a part of the Q Family. Rock!

The first song ever played on The Mighty Q 25 Years ago.

Also, check this out...It's not rock 'n' roll....but I still like it.

Friday, October 31, 2008

All Hallow's Eve Treat

No trick...just a treat from The Boss. A new song "A Night With The Jersey Devil". Free download til Nov.2nd.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Guns & Roses And A Free Dr. Pepper

Dr. Pepper is going to make good on their promise to give out a free Dr. Pepper if Guns & Roses released "Chinese Democracy" before the end of the year. Offer only good in the U.S.A.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thanksgiving Classic

This is one of "WKRP In Cincinnati's" best episodes.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stop Those Annoying Calls

Today's the day that you can register your phone number to stop telemarketers from calling you. I'm thinking that if you don't register, expect an increase in calls, because they won't be able to call the people on the "Do Not Call Registry". Here's the link to register.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Michael Moore Flick

Michael Moore is encouraging people to watch his new movie "Slacker Uprising" for free online.
No downloading is required.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dexter TV Show

Dexter Season 3 starts on September 28th on The Movie Channel. Last year there was a cool viral Dexterish thing you could send to friends. The same people who did that have done this. Want to put someone on Dexter's hit list? Come know ya wanna.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Facebook In Reality

I'm not on Facebook.. and I know many are and there's good things about it.. blah blah blah and so on as my friends that are on facebook tell me trying to convince me to join.

If it work s for you...I'm soo happy for you. I prefer to to be in the minority and here are the reasons why.

Cowbell Songs

That Saturday Night Live sketch with Christopher Walken is a classic.

Now check out Metallica's latest "The Day That Never Comes" with the cowbell treatment and enjoy adding the cowbell to your faves.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Free Jenna Now The Office

If you are having "The Office" withdrawals this hopefully, will tie you over til the show returns in the fall.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Olympics Memory

I remember being a kid and having my hometown of Kingston, Ontario host The Sailing Olympics in 1976. It was so exciting to get caught up with all that goes along with being a host city for such an event. Also that year, Nadia Comaneci made history by scoring the first perfect 10 in gymnastics in Montreal. Here's a look at that perfect performance.
Enjoy watching the Summer Games let's get out there and win some medals.

Glengary Glen Ross Jr.

Here's parody of a scene from that great film Glengary Glen Ross.

And here's the original if you haven't seen it..or need a refresher.
Warning language is colourful and may offend some..for others it's a way of life.

Wilco Sings At A Cubs Game

It was only a couple of years ago that Wilco played outdoors at Alderney Landing. Imagine going to a baseball game at Wrigley Field and a rockshow breaks out.....not quite...but this is neat.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

VH1 Honours The Who

Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, The Flaming Lips performed at VH1 Honours The Who on Saturday Night. Here's the link for more info on the show. Since we don't get VH1 in Canada, I'm sure Much Music or Much More Music will run the show at a later date.

Here's a video clip from the show

Friday, July 11, 2008

Curb Your Enthusiasm Returns

One Of my favourite shows will be returning for a 7th season. Rejoice! Cue angels strumming harps. How many " Larry David Moments " have you had? Me, I'll never tell.

Here's a classic clip from "Curb Your Enthusiasm".

To TV critics that bring up The Seinfeld Curse ...let it go for the love of god.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Inbox Victory

How many emails do you have in your inbox? At my worst I had 1,000 then my computer crashed and now it's around 300. What would it be like to have 0 in the's a feeling I don't expect to achieve...but live vicariously through ones that have achieved success.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

George Carlin

George Carlin died this week. I saw him when he performed at The Metro Center and am so glad I had a chance to see him. He hosted the first ever Saturday Night Live which is being shown Saturday Night. Here's Jerry Seinfeld's article on George that appeared in The New York Times this week.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mike Myers As Bucky The Animal Trainer

This was my favourite highlight from the MTV Movie Awards.
Mike Myers still has it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Geddy Lee Donates Balls..

This is such a great story. Geddy Lee from Rush donated some special baseballs to a museum.

Watch it all unfold here.

Way to go Geddy!

Clark & Michael Cera

Sorry, I haven't been the best in keeping this updated, life kinda gets in the way.

If you're a fan of "Arrested Developement" and like Michael Cera who was also great in "Juno"...
check out this website Clark & Michael Cera.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Carrier Reality TV Show

The Carrier is a reality tv show on PBS about the USS Nimitz. This show is compelling. It's a very candid look at navy life on board a USS Carrier. I was suprised at the access that was granted and you really get into the people's lives. Here's a link to watch all 10 episodes.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Cheap Trick 30th Anniversary "Live At Budokan"

It's the 30th anniversary of that legendary live show with Cheap Trick at Live At Budokan.
The band was in Tokyo last week and performed accoustic versions of "I Want You To Want Me" and "Surrender". Rick Neilson said that when they were there 30 years ago for that show, "Playing in Japan for thousands of people was like playing on the moon".

Check out the video of their performance last week on Cheap Trick's official website.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Danny Federici Of The E Street Band Dies

E Street band member and long time pal of Bruce Springsteen , Danny Federici died last Thursday of melenoma at the age of 58. Here's a link to a special fund set up in Danny's name.

Danny's son Jason wrote a touching, heartfelt letter about his dad that I read on today's Electric Lunch. I've had a couple people email me for that letter. Here it is.

March 20th, 2008
Danny returns to the stage to rave reviews
Indianapolis, Indiana
by Jason Federici

While my Dad was going through treatment on March 19th in NY, he was visited by Bruce and later Max, who, through a lot of talking, bribing, and begging (and finally the kicker -- Becky Weinburg, who came from NJ by boat that night) to persuade him to play, he agreed to do the show in Indy. The next thing we knew, we where picked up by a limo from Sloan-Kettering, joined by my dad's wife, Maya, Dr. Chapman and Virginia Murphy and we proceeded down FDR highway to an awaiting helicopter that whisked us away to Newark airport in about 8 minutes (a good time by all, except maybe Dr. Chapman who was gripping the arm rests like a baseball bat). Before we knew it, we were in the jet with the boys. Danny was greeted with a lot of hugs and smiles, to say the least. An hour and a half later, we pulled into Conseco arena. When my father stepped on stage the crowd started chanting "Danny! Danny! Danny!". You could physically feel the "Magic" in the air (excuse the pun). My father proceeded to do what he does best - rock out! He played with such a natural ease. The feeling of the evening was electric. The visible bond between the fellas was so special to watch. Nils spent most of the night next to him, Clarence kept turning around to give him props during the night, and Bruce was so visibly happy to have him there. I couldn't stop smiling all night. After the exciting encore, he left the stage, went straight to the car, then to the plane, and was fast asleep in NY by 2am. It really was like a dream. In the morning, over coffee, we looked at each other and realized the magnitude of the night. It was a great day! My father has always been such an inspiration to me, I can only imagine what an inspiration he is to others.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Led Zeppelin Roller Coaster

Hard Rock Park is a new theme park that just opened in Myrtle Beach South Carolina that features The Led Zeppelin Roller Coaster. It's 15 stories high and goes as fast as 65 miles per hour Click on this link then on the left hand side look for PARK INFO,
Click on RIDE INFO and page down to ROCK 'N' ROLL HEAVEN and click on LED ZEPPELIN THE RIDE. Check out the roller coaster simulation to "Whole Lotta Love". Now that's a rollercoaster.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Paul McCartney In Halifax?...Fingers Crossed.

Looks like Paul McCartney may be coming to Halifax. After Paul's divorce was final he turned to his manager and said I just want to rock & roll...start booking dates. BJ & The Q Morning Crew will have all the deets
tomorrow morning on The Mighty Q they'll be talking to Dawn Sloane.

I saw Paul McCartney with Linda McCartney at The Montreal Forum in December 1988. It was The Flowers In The Dirt Tour. It's one of my all time favourite concerts. Here's hoping a Beatle performs in Halifax.
Here's a vintage performance.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Divorce Celebrity Style

So Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills McCartney divorce settlement has been made public.
If you have time and are curious, here's all 58 pages of it.
Readers Digest version.. lots of money involved and Heather doesn't come off looking good at all.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

If you're not feeling particularly Irish today...check out these links and maybe the luck of the Irish will rub off. Bono & The Edge acoustic version of "The Ground Beneath Her Feet". Thin Lizzy's "Whiskey In A Jar" The Pogues "If I Should Fall From Grace of God" Rory Gallagher "Shadow Play" Them "Baby Please Don't Go" Boomtown Rats "I Don't Like Mondays" at Live Aid.

And finally The Muppets sing "Danny Boy"

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Celebrity Rants

If only these guys had access to Q104's The Rant Line.. warning language is colourful and may offend some..for others it's a way of life. Casey Kasem Long Distance Dedication Paul Anka...The Guys Get The Shirts

Monday, March 10, 2008

Can I Get A Napkin Please??

An impromptu performance breaks out in a mall's food court.
This is neat.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Jeff Healy Condolences

It was sad to hear about Jeff Healy's death. Thanks to everyone who called in to the Q and to share memories and stories about Jeff. I had some people asking where to send condolences to.

Here is Jeff Healy's official site also this is another site for your condolences

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Kids Songs Sung By Rock Stars

If you have kids, nieces, nephews and they are at the nursery rhyme, or kids song age, before you drive off a cliff having to listen repetitively to those songs, slip this cd won't know the difference and your sanity will be preserved.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Black Crowes & Maxim

Black Crowes are pissed, and rightly so. Maxim Magazine gave a bad review of the new Black Crowes' cd "War Paint" even though the full cd had not been given out to anyone.
Read more here

This was Maxim's response

Monday, February 25, 2008

"No Country For Old Men" Bonus Clip

"No Country For Old Men" won a number of Oscars last night including best picture.
Here's a scene from that movie....although, I don't quite remember it going down this way when I originally saw it in the theatre.


So CBS is running the show "Dexter". Do yourself a favour and rent the dvd.
CBS is editing the crap out of it and it's not the same show. You'll miss out on all kinds of important gruesome details. If you're into the show, you might want to send this to your friends.

This link was going around last summer, so even though it's been out for awhile, it might be new to you and or still fun to send to unsuspecting friends who are just getting into the show.

Young Lizard King

Before Jim Morrison was in The Doors, he was in this promotional commercial for a Florida University. Here's The Lizard King before his mojo had risen.

Oscar Red Carpet- Gary Busey

The best part of the Oscars was the preshow red carpet Gary Busey debacle. Here's Gary in fine form meeting up with Jennifer Garner and Ryan Secrest.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Classic TV Show Moment

This clip from The Carol Burnett Show is a classic. Tim Conway is relentless trying to make the cast laugh. He succeeds and it makes for a classic funny sketch.

The Mary Tyler Moore show was another show I never missed when I was a kid.
The Chuckles The Clown funeral episode is so funny, unfortunately, it's been taken off YouTube and other sites. If I find it, I'll post it.

Sponge Bob Redubs Classic Movies

Who loves Sponge Bob Square Pants? I do! I do!

Here are Sponge Bob characters doing the voice redubs from 3 classic movies Casablanca, Singing In The Rain and The Godfather.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

SNL Nirvana Promo Outtake

Tina Fey is hosting this weeks Saturday Night Live. Halifax's Ellen Page will be hosting next weeks SNL. Here's a promo outtake of Nirvana on a classic SNL show. Oh ya..and you might recognize the dude with them that's not in the band.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Anderson Cooper & His Mom

I'm not much of a blogger...but when I find cool or interesting things I'll post 'em.
This is neat. Anderson Cooper who is now at CNN used to work all nights at ABC.
His mom Gloria Vanderbilt stopped by to wish him a happy birthday. Here's the link.