Sunday, March 15, 2009

Led Zeppelin Gig...Did It Really Happen?

(Picture credit-

Here's a bizzare story. It was January 20 1969 some people remember it clear as day, others say it never happened. Led Zeppelin, according to some, played a gig in Wheaton, Washington DC at The Wheaton Community Center. It was Led Zeppelins's first tour to the U.S. and according to their former tour manager, Richard Cole, he doesn't remember it. It is listed on their website as a stop on the tour..but it's not confirmed.
Someone who is getting to the bottom of this is Jeff Krulik who is the guy that did "Heavy Metal Parking Lot". He's filming a documentary right now called "Led Zeppelin Played Here". Maybe he'll have more answers and will be able to confirm whether Led Zeppelin played in Wheaton or not. If not .. who did the people who say they saw Led Zeppelin actually see?
Here's the complete story from The Washington Post.

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