Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bob Geldolf in "I Am Bob"

My sister went to England in 1977 and brought back some 45's which included The Boomtown Rats. I was a fan right from the get go. As luck would have it they came to my hometown of Kingston, Ontario and played at Queen's University in the early 80's and I got to meet them. What a thrill.
One of the best autobiographies I've read is Bob Geldof's "Is That It". I lent the book to someone and never got it back. Usually, I'm ok with not getting things I lend back...but that book I've always thought about over the years and have regrets about not having it back in my possession.
I came across this film short starring Sir Bob Geldof called "I Am Bob". It's nice to see him have a sense of humour..a quality he doesn't get accused of too often in the press.

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