Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Iggy Pop's New CD

Iggy Pop has a new cd coming out on May 18.
Here's a trailer with Iggy himself talking about his new cd called "Preliminaires".

Saturday, March 28, 2009

John & Yoko Pictures

Here's Yoko Ono's official Flickr site with some neat pictures with her stories behind the pictures.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dan Seals R.I.P.

Dan Seals died of cancer yesterday at the age of 61 http://www.sealsandseals.com/. You couldn't turn on an AM radio in the 70's without hearing England Dan & John Ford Coley singing one of their many hits.
Like this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRFZUB3NzGs
Dan later went the country route and of course who can forget "Bop" still being played at many wedding receptions to this day.
Here's a neat thing I found on Dan. He was a part of a psychedelic band called Southwest F.O.B. and opened for Led Zeppelin and 3 Dog Night. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/localnews/stories/032709dnmetdansealsob.3460d37.html Who knew?
Check out the band here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Musical Tour Of London

This is a neat site. If you haven't got the cash for a trip to England. This site gives you a musical tour of London done in the comfort of your own home or office..at least til you're able to actually go and do the tour live in person. The Google Street View feature makes this worth checking out.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Doors New Movie

If you're a fan of The Doors this new documentary called"When You're Strange" a film about The Doors", has footage never seen before til now. It premiered at this years Sundance Film Festival.
Check out the trailer, plus extras on the official website.

Also, from a previous post this is neat Jim Morrison as an "actor" for a Florida University commercial.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spinal Tap Reunites for 25th Anniversary

Spinal Tap is celebrating it's 25th anniversary. I remember being in a movie theatre and seeing the trailer and thinking what is this? I've lost count on how many times I've seen it and will continue to rack up views as the years roll by. Check out the guys in fine form on this recent Vanity Fair podcast http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2009/03/spinal-tap200903
Also, they'll be on Tavis Smiley's talk show on PBS on channel 4 here in Halifax on Friday night officially Saturday morning at 1:30am if you want to DVR it. Here's more details. http://www.pbs.org/kcet/tavissmiley/archive/200903/20090320.html
Spinal Tap is also looking for sponsers...what kind of sponsers? Find out here.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Here's a classic Conan Late Show bit with Andy Richter and Amy Poehler as Andy's little sister who has a crush on Conan.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Led Zeppelin Gig...Did It Really Happen?

(Picture credit- ledzeppelinbiography.com)

Here's a bizzare story. It was January 20 1969 some people remember it clear as day, others say it never happened. Led Zeppelin, according to some, played a gig in Wheaton, Washington DC at The Wheaton Community Center. It was Led Zeppelins's first tour to the U.S. and according to their former tour manager, Richard Cole, he doesn't remember it. It is listed on their website as a stop on the tour..but it's not confirmed. http://ledzeppelin.com/timeline/1969
Someone who is getting to the bottom of this is Jeff Krulik who is the guy that did "Heavy Metal Parking Lot". He's filming a documentary right now called "Led Zeppelin Played Here". Maybe he'll have more answers and will be able to confirm whether Led Zeppelin played in Wheaton or not. If not .. who did the people who say they saw Led Zeppelin actually see?
Here's the complete story from The Washington Post.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Anvil Rocks Out In New Movie

Anvil is being inducted into the Canadian Indie Music Hall Of Fame Saturday night in Toronto.
They've got lots to celebrate including a new movie...and it looks good, whether you're a fan of the band or not. It's a new docu movie on the group.
It's got that mocumentary style ala "Spinal Tap". Here's the trailer for "Anvil The Story Of Anvil"

Sacha Gervasi was 15 when he met Anvil in London, England. He became their roadie on a Canadian tour, became friends with the guys and directed this movie. Here's an interview from the Sundance Film Festival.

and the official site.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Andy Richter's Car Commercial and Triumph Bits

Conan O'Brien is off til June that's when he returns to host The Tonight Show. Andy Richter will be on as well. Take a look at Andy's new car commercial.

Triumph is one of my favourite characters that developed on Conan's Late Night. Here's some of his classic bits. Triumph forcasting weather in Hawaii.

Star Wars Premiere Part 1
and Part 2

And then Blackwolf from the Star Wars premiere meets the band Lordi.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

U2 Top 10 List on Letterman

U2 has been on Letterman this week. Here's the Top 10 List from last night.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Beatles News

Looks like Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr will be reuniting on stage for a benefit in New York City on April 4th. Tickets go on sale on March 9th.

Also, if you love The Beatles...you can turn that love into furthering your education with a degree in The Beatles and study in their hometown of Liverpool.

This is neat. A day in the life on Abbey Road. A group called Blame Ringo put their music to this video of everyday people that want their picture taken on the famous crosswalk.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rush Fortune Cookies

Here's the top ten best fortune cookie Rush lyrics. Any lyrics you want to add to the list?

Today Rush released their "Retrospective III (1989-2008)" a 2 disc cd and dvd with videos.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bob Geldolf in "I Am Bob"

My sister went to England in 1977 and brought back some 45's which included The Boomtown Rats. I was a fan right from the get go. As luck would have it they came to my hometown of Kingston, Ontario and played at Queen's University in the early 80's and I got to meet them. What a thrill.
One of the best autobiographies I've read is Bob Geldof's "Is That It". I lent the book to someone and never got it back. Usually, I'm ok with not getting things I lend back...but that book I've always thought about over the years and have regrets about not having it back in my possession.
I came across this film short starring Sir Bob Geldof called "I Am Bob". It's nice to see him have a sense of humour..a quality he doesn't get accused of too often in the press.

New Unearthed Pictures Of The Beatles & The Stones

Here's some neat never before seen pictures of The Beatles and The Stones.