Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Musicians & Autographs..The Best And Worst

Ever ask for an autograph? How did that work out for ya? The first autograph I ever got was when I was a kid at the Toronto airport . My sister and I asked Dave Thomas...pre the Bob & Doug McKenzie success on SCTV ...for an autograph. He was super nice. Over the years, I've been lucky enough to meet all kinds of rockers and celebs, but I don't bother with the autograph thing, just saying "Hi" and shaking hands is good enough. Here's a list of the best and worst musicians to ask for an autograph.

Under the best..# 1 is AC/DC, under the worst # 1 is Robert Plant & Jimmy Page. Here's the complete list http://houndstv.com/wp02/778/best-worst-2008-music-autographs-fans-in-canada/

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